Stellar Development Foundation hopes for a productive partnership with Samsung Electronics. They also think that integration is a significant step for both companies. First of all, it can help to attract more new users. They will get all advantages from coordinated solutions of Stellar and Korean corporation. Samsung provides the optimal solution to manage the keys. This solution is comfortable for users and conduces a wider acceptance of block-chain.
Samsung Electronics is one of the world leaders in manufacturing electronics. They produce consumer electronics, mobile devices, telecommunication equipment, and so on. The company is an affiliated offspring of the financial and industrial Samsung Group.
Samsung Electronics always moves with time. Using cryptocurrency in the service became one more important step for the Corporation. Samsung integrated the Stellar platform into the blockchain Keystore. By the way, it is the fifth cryptocurrency market integrated by the Korean smartphone. Before other popular cryptocurrency networks were humbled to work with the Korean company.
Integration is a very important process. It means that people using Samsung can keep their personal keys on the telephones. All Samsung Galaxy models have a set-in cryptocurrency wallet. So, users can keep the keys in safety.
The keys are kept in Samsung Blockchain Keystore. It means users can sign transactions in crypto-wallets. Also, they can do it in the decentralized apps on the Stellar base directly from the phone. This is one more comfort for Samsung users.
Besides, there are extra opportunities for developers. They can create various block-chain applications for Samsung Galaxy models. Of course, they should be based on the Stellar platform. The amount of Galaxy phones is countless. And each model needs a concrete app for using cryptocurrency.
By the Corporation’s authority, some companies are going to develop the apps for Keystore. It means that at least four projects may be launched in the nearest future.
Samsung got one more stimulus to growth and development
Under the Corporation’s data, they gain a 19% profit from smartphone sales. They sell about 350 million devices every year. And of course, integrating the Stellar blockchain will increase the statistics. The Korean company hopes this integration to be a big impulse for the whole corporation.
Samsung Electronics developed the protected processor. It is intended for the passwords, PIN-codes, and private keys in the block-chain. Along with the KNOX platform, each element of the smartphone is in safety. Users will not have to worry about the safety of both hardware and software. All the information remains private.
There are some myths about the Blockchain Keystore. They say it is needed for creating and integrating decentralizing mobile apps. No, this is not true. This wallet is a system that allows the user to create or reactivate the account protected by KNOX. So, the whole process occurs through the Samsung interface.
Blockchain Keystore is available only on Samsung Galaxy devices. Yet, Samsung is a technological giant in its field. And we can all hope that soon all Samsung models will have this option.
Of course, the integration process reflected the Stellar cryptocurrency. When Koreans integrated Tron, its cost increased by 7%. XLM also increased after the integration. Yes, now the difference is little. But with such tempo, the large shot of the cryptocurrency will certainly happen.
Blockchain wallet: Samsung Galaxy or HTC?
To compare Samsung and HTC has no meaning. Both these companies develop their smartphones by different principles. The Korean corporation strives for the top of technological progress. HTC prefers a more conservative approach.
Still, some internal functions of these smartphones can be analyzed deeper. They both have an option of blockchain.
Samsung Blockchain Wallet can be installed on 16 million devices. Yet, the wallet works only in particular regions. Unfortunately, it is not available for some countries. But this list of countries becomes less and less. This is already good.
In other words, if you have Samsung Galaxy S10, it does not mean you can use your wallet on 100%. This is because of the government control that has its rules depending on the region.
HTC Blockchain Wallet appeared in 2018. For these years it could not find many respectable partners. Now HTC has only 5 crypto-games while Samsung has 8 ones. Yet, there is one advantage of HTC towards the Korean smartphone. To look over the game assets in the wallet is more comfortable on HTC.
It is important that HTC continues to release new updates for its block-chain. But all these procedures could not lead to the expected results. Businessmen do not want to buy HTC because they need progress and a style. Unfortunately, HTC is not able to realize these ambitions yet. Even if there is always something new from HTC, their problem seems to be in the lack of budget.
The number of Korean devices with block-chain wallets is 1 million. HTC has 50 thousand devices. Korean smartphones are more powerful than the HTC models. So, games in Samsung are more comfortable for playing. HTC has only browser crypto-games. Samsung has real apps that are not lauded as a website.
As for the level of difficulty, HTC’s wallet is simpler. If you use the wallet first, it is better to start with HTC. Plus, it is accessible in every region.